Frustrated with Stubborn Menopause Belly Fat That Just Won't Budge? 
 Discover the #1 Anti-Diet to Finally Lose the Menopause Weight for Good 
 Ditch the Dieting Mindset to Finally Get Sustainable Results - Even in Menopause 
 You've probably noticed that what you did in your 30's no longer works. You may have tried diets like a keto or low carb plan, maybe Weight Watchers or other diet trends to find out that they work temporarily (but they're difficult to sustain). 
 Instead of chasing another diet trend, wouldn't it be great to UNDERSTAND what and how to eat to nourish your menopausal body and drop those excess pounds at the same time? 
The Academy is a one stop library full of strategies and informational resources that I use with my one on one clients to achieve successful and sustainable weight loss.
In the Shawna K Nutrition Academy, you will find:
Practical & actionable information to achieve your ideal weight
Short digestible videos so you can fit learning necessary nutritional strategies and principles into your busy schedule easily
Pdf resources for download to further support your understanding
Opportunity to get a personalized nutrition plan
Lifetime access
This is the only habits-based program that teaches you how to consistently implement nutrition & mindset strategies so you finally achieve your ideal weight.
This is NOT a diet, in fact, it’s the ‘anti-diet’.
You'll learn exactly what you need to know to lose the weight & keep it off while eating the foods you enjoy, without starvation diets, long workouts, scams, pills, powders or potions.
You get lifetime access and modules will continue to be added over time.
 Who Am I and How Can I Help YOU
When Nothing Else Works? 
I’m Shawna Kaminski and I’ve been in the health and fitness business for 40 years.

I never thought that my age would be one of the greatest assets to helping you achieve your ideal weight, but it truly is because I’m in the trenches with you. Not only have I experienced the annoying symptoms of menopause and I have managed my weight throughout the process.

While owning a fitness boot camp for 17 years, I coached hundreds of women to drop weight and feel their best, even in menopause.

Currently I coach fitness and nutrition online with both individual and group programs.

I’m passionate about helping YOU achieve the healthiest version of yourself.
Here’s what people are saying about their experience with the Nutrition Academy...
Here's What You Need To Do Now...
If you’re ready to finally ditch the diets and learn how to eat real food to achieve your ideal weight, the Nutrition Academy is ready for YOU.
Get INSTANT LIFETIME Access to the Nutrition Academy & A Personalized Plan From Shawna K
Just ONE Easy Payment of $349
*You'll also get the opportunity to work more closely with me if you choose to.
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I can't wait to see you program! 🙂
Committed to your success,
Shawna K
Menopause Fat Loss Expert
Certified Nutritionist, Trainer & Coach
30 Day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee
I am so confident that you will love your experience, feel better in your own skin and see results that I'm removing all risk.

Give me a chance by fully committing to the program as directed by your coach for 30 days. If you have not experienced results after fully committing to the program for 30 days, I will happily reutrn your investment.

Shawna K Workouts ©2023. All Rights Reserved.